Self-awareness and Yawning hebben wel degelijk iets met mekaar. Geeuwen ondersteunt het wakker maken van ons zelf-gewaarzijn. Geeuwen, en in het verlengde daarvan: ‘Pandiculation’ (zie vorige blog) zijn niet de enige innerlijke hulpbronnen die we kunnen aanspreken hiervoor, maar graag deel ik volgende tekst met jullie om het geeuwen een tweede keer in de kijker te zetten. En zo ook het belang van Somatische Beweging, Dans- en Bewegingstherapie, stress- en trauma begeleiding.
“Embodied self-awareness can’t be commanded tot happen. It emerges suddenly, apparently without warning. ... Embodied self-awareness practitioners can facilitate the process of emergence. ... Although we can’t make it happen, no more that we can make a plant grow (by pullling on it), we can provide the supportive context -the soil, water, light, and nutrients for the plant- that best encourages its growth. The more we actively practice creating opportunities for embodied self-awareness to emerge, however, the more we have the ability to stay longer in the subjective emotional present (het subjectief ervaren van een Zelf in het nu, zo snel vertaald) and the ability to choose to tune in to particular sensations in particular parts of the body. This practice effect happens because the brain learns from each experience of embodied self-awareness. ...
It is exactly like walking across a grassy field. The first person bends the blades of grass a little bit. The next person sees this indication in the grass and follows it, making the grass more bent. As it grows over time, all the grass is gone and a ‘path’ appears, easy to see and easy to follow.
The growth of neural pathways through practice and repeated experience is called experience dependent brain development. ... When it comes to embodied self-awareness, practice is crucial in expanding it and giving us opportunities to make choices for our own benefit. Our body also has some built-in ways to jolt us into awareness. Yawning, of course, helps us to wake up from drowsy or sleepy states. Yawning, it turns out, has all the right physiology for starting the process of waking us up to ourselves. ...”
(uit ‘Body Sense’, van Alan Fogel)
Nu ga ikzelf even tijd nemen om uitgebreid te geeuwen, nu ik mijn computerwerk voor vandaag beëindig. Lieve groet, Els